INV2:                                                                                                   Inventory Management System 2


Fundamental Concepts:         separate compilation, elementary operator overloading, dynamic linked-list objects


This assignment will modify and extend INV1.  Separate compilation is required for this assignment. Each user-defined class must have its own source code and header files. Other compilation units should be created that reflect the modular decomposition design of the system. Related system sub-sections should be grouped into separate compilation units.


Most of the previous functionality of INV0 and INV1 will be retained, unless explicitly removed or modified in this specification.  There are two major extensions. 


First, the INV1 inventory data structure will be changed.  INV2 will use a single linked-list of dynamically allocated nodes to store multiple inventory objects. In order to receive full credit, the list must be fully encapsulated using a C++ class, and the list nodes must themselves be implemented using a node class.


Additionally in order to make the program slightly more useful, you will add the ability to save the in-memory inventory database to a file on disk, and to load an inventory database that was previously saved by your program; see the section on the input file descriptions below for details.


INV2 will normally be invoked from the command-line, and the names of the input files will be specified on the command-line, as:


inv2 <InitialInventoryFileName> <InventoryActionsFileName>


INV2 will first load the initial inventory data file, creating an in-memory database structure, and then read and process actions from the database actions file.  As with INV0 and INV1, when all the specified actions have been processed, INV2 will exit.


Input File Descriptions:


The initial inventory data file and the script actions file will have the same syntax as per INV0/INV1, aside from two new actions. Note that use of hard-coded names for these files will annoy the person evaluating your program, and you will be charged points for that annoyance.


The format of the inventory database file, created by the save command, is not specified.  Part of your assignment is to design a sensible layout for this file.  Note that this means that programs from two different students may certainly have incompatible database file formats, and so will not be able to load inventory database files created by another INV2 program.  The only restrictions imposed on your inventory database file design are that you should not waste too much space and that the file must be an ASCII text file.


Each line of the actions file will contain one of the commands described in the INV0/INV1 specification, or one of the new commands described below.  As before, commands are case-sensitive and take a fixed number of tab-delimited arguments.  The command names will be valid, and each command will include the correct number of arguments. 


save <DatabaseFileName>


This causes the creation of an inventory database file on disk, in the current directory. The default extension for the file, “.inv  should be automatically appended to the name. As stated above, the format of this file is up to you, subject to light restrictions.  Saving does not clear the current in-memory database.


load <DatabaseFileName>


This causes the reading of the named, (previously saved) inventory database file, and the creation of a new in-memory database holding the information from that file. The default extension for the file, “.inv  should be automatically appended to the name for opening. Any previous in-memory database should be properly deallocated, (but not automatically saved to disk), before the file is read. If the named file does not exist, the following error message must be written to the dump file, “dbase.txt” out:


***Fatal Error***: <DatabaseFileName> does not exist!


The database filename specified in the load command must be substituted for <DatabaseFileName> in the above message. At this point, your program should gracefully shutdown. If the named file does exist, any previous in-memory database should be properly deallocated, (but not automatically saved to disk), before the file is read.


find <SKU>


The  Find command will change slightly.  Find, as previously, results in a search being performed to locate the inventory object with the corresponding SKU number. If located, the command will display the <position> of the object in the linked-list followed by the <Item> member field of the object. The head node of the list is considered to be at position zero. The command output must be in the following format made to the output file, dbase.txt:


Find:     <position>  <Item>


If a corresponding SKU object cannot be located, the output of the command must be the following, where <SKU> is replaced by the SKU number that was to be found:


Find:     <SKU> ***MISSING***


The sort command will no longer be a valid command. Instead of sorting you are required to always maintain the linked-list of inventory objects in ascending, (smallest – largest) sorted order by the SKU numbers. Only ordered inserts into the inventory database linked-list will be performed. Do not assume that the initial Inventory.txt file will be ordered.


Note that if you do not properly implement the save command, there will be absolutely no way to test your implementation of the load command. For both input files, a newline character will terminate each input line, including the last.  You may assume that all of the input values will be syntactically correct, and that they will be given in the specified order. Updated sample input files for INV2 will be posted on the course website soon. When they are available, an announcement will be posted on the course Web site.


Input File Samples:   


Initial Inventory File


The format of this file is unchanged from INV0/INV1. A sample Inventory.txt input file is shown below.


SKU            Item                             Retail   Cost    Floor   Ware


V0011   Cut Green Bean 14.5 oz                    1.05       0.49       73         227

V0013   Cut Green Beans 14.5 oz                   0.75       0.51       68         332

V0017   Lima Beans 15 oz                          0.97       0.49       92         108

V0024   Cut Wax Beans 14.5 oz                     0.69       0.34       47          53

V0043   Chili Hot Beans 15 oz                     0.65       0.29       36          64

F0001   Braeburn apples, 2 pack                   1.79       0.89       16          14

F0002   Braeburn apples, 6 pack                   4.49       2.12       33          27

F0003   Gala apples, 2 pack                       1.89       0.75       26          24

F0004   Gala apples, 6 pack                       4.49       1.99       20          25

F0005   Bananas, green 16 oz                      0.69       0.25       78         112

F0006   Lite Peaches 15 oz                        1.09       0.49       44         134

F0007   Bananas, ripe 16 oz                       0.69       0.20      166         234

F0008   Strawberries 16 oz                        1.49       0.69       72         118

F0009   Blackberries, vine ripened 1/2 pt         4.49       1.99       53         136

F0010   Blueberries, vine ripened 1/2 pt          5.99       2.49       32          68

F0011   Grapefruit, large pink                    0.79       0.29       88         212




Database Actions File


As previously, there is no limit on the number of actions. The changes to this file have been discussed previously, (see the File Descriptions section above). A small sample Actions.txt input file is shown below.


save   init

del    V0010

add    V0011  Cut Green Bean 14.5 oz                    1.05    0.49      73           227

del    F0011

del    V0011

add    V0031  Great Northern Bean 14.5 oz               1.25    0.59      86           324

del    V0031

add    V0031  Great Northern Bean 12.5 oz               1.25    0.59      86           324

add    V0033  Red Kidney Bean 12.5 oz                   1.29    0.55      82           320

add    V0007  Whole Green Bean 14.5 oz                  0.75    0.45     177           123

add    F0023  Avocado                                   2.29    1.09      24            23

del    F0023

add    F0023  Avocado                                   2.24    1.09      23            23

load   init

find   V0011

find   F0011

find   V0043

find   F0010

stock  F0023

stock  V0010

stock  V0031




Output description and sample:


As before, output data resulting from a dump command must be written to a file named dbase.txt   use of any other output file name will result in a point deduction.  The format of dump output should be the same as previous programs, except that the xx> MAX INVENTORY STORAGE output at the end of database dump will no longer be included. Sample output files will also be posted on the course website shortly. Here is the output file corresponding to the given sample input files:


Programmer:  Dwight Barnette

Grocery Inventory Management System


Find:           11      Cut Green Bean 14.5 oz

Find:           10      Grapefruit, large pink

Find:           15      Chili Hot Beans 15 oz

Find:            9      Blueberries, vine ripened 1/2 pt

Stock:       F0023      ***MISSING***

Stock:       V0010      ***MISSING***

Stock:       V0031      ***MISSING***


 Inv   SKU    Item                                      Retail     Cost    Floor      Warehouse

  0.   F0001  Braeburn apples, 2 pack                     1.79      0.89      16        14

  1.   F0002  Braeburn apples, 6 pack                     4.49      2.12      33        27

  2.   F0003  Gala apples, 2 pack                         1.89      0.75      26        24

  3.   F0004  Gala apples, 6 pack                         4.49      1.99      20        25

  4.   F0005  Bananas, green 16 oz                        0.69      0.25      78       112

  5.   F0006  Lite Peaches 15 oz                          1.09      0.49      44       134

  6.   F0007  Bananas, ripe 16 oz                         0.69      0.20     166       234

  7.   F0008  Strawberries 16 oz                          1.49      0.69      72       118

  8.   F0009  Blackberries, vine ripened 1/2 pt           4.49      1.99      53       136

  9.   F0010  Blueberries, vine ripened 1/2 pt            5.99      2.49      32        68

 10.   F0011  Grapefruit, large pink                      0.79      0.29      88       212

 11.   V0011  Cut Green Bean 14.5 oz                      1.05      0.49      73       227

 12.   V0013  Cut Green Beans 14.5 oz                     0.75      0.51      68       332

 13.   V0017  Lima Beans 15 oz                            0.97      0.49      92       108

 14.   V0024  Cut Wax Beans 14.5 oz                       0.69      0.34      47        53

 15.   V0043  Chili Hot Beans 15 oz                       0.65      0.29      36        64







Linked List:


You are required to use a linked list to store the Inventory information.  Your implementation of this list will be examined.  In order to receive full credit, you must implement the nodes using a well-designed node class and the linked list itself must be encapsulated using a well-designed list class.  In addition, the Inventory must be encapsulated so that the data they store is logically separated from the node pointers.


Note this mimics the behavior of a C++ STL (Standard Template Library) list object.  You are specifically forbidden to use any C++ STL list objects in this program, or any other sort of predefined dynamic list type.  You may base your implementation on the linked list implementations shown in the textbook, or those shown in the notes and lectures.  (The lecture notes implementation is recommended, as the Carrano implementation has some serious shortcomings.) You may not use linked list code from any other source.  Advanced C++ OOP constructs and concepts, (e.g., inheritance, virtual functions, templates, etc.), not covered in CS 1704 are also not to be used in this program. Violating these restrictions would remove major concepts of this assignment and will result in a large deduction.



Programming Standards:


You'll be expected to observe good programming/documentation standards.  All the requirements for documentation and coding given in the INV0/INV1 specifications are still in effect.  In addition:



§         You must describe the purpose of each of your classes in a header comment that precedes the class declaration.

§         You must document each data member and function member of your classes, both in the header file containing the class declaration and in the corresponding source file containing the implementation.  The header file does not have to contain full documentation for each function, but the purpose of each function should be described there.



§         You must separate the interface of each of your classes from its implementation by placing each class declaration (interface) in its own header file and the implementation of that class in a corresponding source file. The name of the class should be used as the name of the header and source files.

§         You must protect access to your data by making all data members of your classes private.

§         When a node is removed from your linked list, you must dispose of it properly by using delete.

§         When you discard your Inventory database list to load an existing one from a file, you must delete every node in the old list so that your program does not waste memory.

§         Memory leaks that might affect the execution or functionality of your program will be penalized. In fact, you should attempt to avoid memory leaks altogether.



Interim Design:

You will produce an interim design for INV2, and represent that design in a modular structure chart.  The structure chart must indicate your design plans for INV2.  It is expected that your final design will differ from the interim design.  Nevertheless, your interim design should be relatively complete.  If the interim design is incomplete or if the differences between your interim design and your final code are excessive, you will be penalized.  That means that you should take the production of the interim design seriously, but not that you should avoid changes that would improve your final implementation of INV2.  You must submit this interim design, to the Curator System, no later than midnight Tuesday, July 30. Submit a MS Word.doc file. Do NOT compress, (zip), the interim design submission!




Obviously, you should be certain that your program produces the output given above when you use the given input files.  However, verifying that your program produces correct results on a single test case does not constitute a satisfactory testing regimen. At minimum, you should test your program on all the posted input/output examples. You could make up and try additional input files as well; of course, you'll have to determine by hand what the correct output would be.


Your final project submission must include the following (and absolutely no other files):


§         all source code (*.cpp and *.h files) comprising your project

§         The MS Visual C++ project files (.dsp and .dsw). Do NOT submit the debug/release project subdirectories or an executable.exe file.

§         a revised design document reflecting the final design of your project, at the time of submission; this must either be in a format that can be viewed in MS Word or be a PDF file.

§         one set of input files, named Inventory.txt and Actions.txt, and the corresponding final dump dbase.txt, and the corresponding saved database file, named INV2.inv.

§         a brief ASCII text readme file, named readme.txt, with any special execution instructions


Submissions will be archived, but not scored, by the Curator System.  You will submit your project as an archive file in one of two formats.  For Windows users, submit a zipped archive containing the items listed above.  (The shareware program WinZip is very easy to use and is available from the Computing Services website:

Note that omitting files from your archive is a classic error.  Once you've created your project archive, copy the file to a new location, unzip it, attempt a build and then test the resulting executable.  Submitting an incomplete copy of your project may delay its evaluation and will result in a substantial loss of points.  In particular, if you omit a source file necessary to compile your program, you will be allowed to supply that file; however, we will then apply a late penalty corresponding to the date that you have provided a complete copy for evaluation. There will be no exceptions to this penalty. Also note that including unnecessary files is also a classic error.  Visual C++ users:  do not zip up the debug subdirectory!

Submitting your project archive:

You will submit your project archive to the Curator System, as described above.  All submissions for INV2 must be made by 12:00 Noon Monday August 5th. There will be NO late submissions accepted for INV2. INV2 will be subjected to runtime testing by the TAs, who will also score your implementation for adherence to the specified programming standards. Demonstration time slot signup forms will be made available in the CS lab. An announcement will be posted when they are available. Students will only be allowed to schedule and perform only one demonstration. TA/student demonstration assignments will be posted in the CS lab, McBryde 116. You will be allowed to make up to five submissions of INV2 to the Curator. Note well:  your last submission will be graded. There are no exceptions to this policy! Changes made to code during a demonstration will be heavily penalized.


Pledge:            Failure to include this pledge in a submission is a violation of the Honor Code.

Each of your project submissions to the Curator System must be pledged to conform to the Honor Code requirements for this course.  Specifically, you must include the following pledge statement in the header comment of the cpp file containing main():


//    On my honor:


//    - I have not discussed the C++ language code in my program with

//      anyone other than my instructor or the teaching assistants

//      assigned to this course.


//    - I have not used C++ language code obtained from another student,

//      or any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified. 


//    - If any C++ language code or documentation used in my program

//      was obtained from another source, such as a text book or course

//      notes, that has been clearly noted with a proper citation in

//      the comments of my program.


//    - I have not designed this program in such a way as to defeat or

//      interfere with the normal operation of the Curator Server.