Computer Science 2574
Intro to Data Structures & Soft Eng

Module Name:           odbread.h
Interface File:        odbread.h
Implementation File:   odbread.c
 This module is responsible for reading in the file information
 from the raw OPSCAN file, reading the class header info from
 the user, and inserting the student information into a linked

Functions:  	Name		Purpose
		ReadFile	Read opscan file
		ReadHeader	reads opscan file header info
		ReadRecord	reads a record from the opscan file
		InsertRecord	inserts the new record at the end of the list
		CloseFile	closes the file after reading it

Called by:    main
Author:      	Jon Ford 
Revision:	3/27/96
Version:     	1.1

#ifndef odbread_h
#define odbread_h
#include "dlist.h"

void ReadFile(ListMgr listmgr);    /*accessed from another module */