Computer Science 2574
Intro to Data Structures & Soft Eng

# FreeBSD Makefile for odb
# Differences from Ultrix/OSF Makefile:
#    * have to look in /usr/X11R6/lib
# odb makefile
# Type 'Make' at the command prompt to compile and link giltest.
#CC   = gcc
CC   = cc
OBJS = odb.o dlist.o odbread.o odbwrite.o
LIBS = -L../lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lutils -lXt -lX11 -lm
LIB_A = ../lib/libutils.a
EXE_DIR = ../odb
PUBLIC_H = ../include/geosim.h ./dlist.h ./odbread.h ./odb.h ./odbwrite.h ./listdata.h

$(EXE_DIR)/odb: $(OBJS) $(LIB_A) odbint.inf $(PUBLIC_H)
	$(CC) -o $(EXE_DIR)/odb $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

	$(CC) -g -c -I../include -I./ $<

	rm -rf *~ *.o *.log core $(EXE_DIR)/odb *.log 

	make clean; make
