Computer Science 2574
Intro to Data Structures & Soft Eng

Module name:			dlist.h
Header File:			dlist.h
Implemenation File:   		dlist.c
  This module is responsible for the encapsulated list
creation and management functions for a double linked list.

The user is repsonsible for providing a datatype file called:
in a directory where it will be found by the search path.
the data structure will need to be in the format:

 struct listdata
			define internal data items here

 struct listtitle
			define header data items here
this data file will be used by this module in its definition
of the list.


Created by:  Jon Ford 
Version: 1.00
Modified:  3/6/96

#ifndef DLIST_H
#define DLIST_H


#define NEW_LIST 0
#define CURR_LIST 1

typedef struct listtitle lsttitle;
typedef struct listdata lstruct;
struct liststruct
	 lstruct item;
	 struct liststruct *next;
	 struct liststruct *previous;

typedef struct liststruct *ElemPtr;

struct mainstruct
	lsttitle title;
	ElemPtr head;
	ElemPtr tail;

typedef struct mainstruct *ListMgr;

ListMgr GetList(int listexist);
int EmptyList(ListMgr listmgr);
ElemPtr CreateElement(void);
void InsertElement(ListMgr listmgr, ElemPtr element);
void RemoveElem(ListMgr listmgr, ElemPtr element);
int sizelist(ListMgr listmgr);
void DestroyList(ListMgr listmgr);

ElemPtr ReturnElemen