Computer Science 2574
Intro to Data Structures & Soft Eng


//  constants.h
//	This file contains all the constants that the entire program uses

#ifndef CONSTANTS_H  //protecting against multiple inclusion

const int NameLength = 22, // length of the file names
		  ShortName = 12,  // lenght of name in struct
		  InitialLength = 4, //length of the array holding student initials
		  GroupSize = 20, //size of each group to be output at a time
		  SSLength = 10, //length of the array holding the social security #'s
		  ExtensionLength = 5,
		  MaxKeys = 9,
		  NumAnswers = 100, //maximum number of answers for a test
		  ResultNum = 20,
		  AnswerNum = 15,
		  Maxchars = 80,
		  BlankLength = 2;

const char NoName[NameLength] = "??????????           ",
		   Blank[BlankLength] = " ",
		   tempfile[NameLength] = "tempfile.txt";

struct ResFileInfo {  //the struct that holds the results file information
	char SSNum[SSLength];
	char LastName[NameLength];
	int NumCorrect;
	int NumOmitted;
	int SeatNum;
	char Form;
	int Group;
	double PercentCorrect;
	double Tscore;

struct DecodeFileInfo { //the struct that holds the decode file information
	char SSNum[SSLength];
	char Form;
	char Group;
	char Answers[NumAnswers];
