Computer Science 2574
Intro to Data Structures & Soft Eng

Integration Plan for DOG

For this project we have developed an integration plan that maps the development of the final product. This plan is based on three integration points, each of which demonstrates what tasks are to be implemented in the program by the specified date, as well as what behavior can be expected by the program at that point in the integration plan.

1. February 10, 1997

In general, this program reads and formats a results file and a decode file and writes their contents to a merged .pod file to be processed further at a later time. At this integration point, these are the specific operations that the program performs:

The program prompts the user for the name of the merged student test data file that will be created from the results and decode files. This name is concatenated with the file extension ".pod". At this time the user is prompted for the complete name (with extension) of the results file. The program checks for the existence of this file. If it does not exist, the program halts with an error message. If it does exist, the program opens it for reading and is read, interpreted, and output to the screen as well as the merged .POD file, twenty students at a time. Once the results file has been processed, the program asks the user for the full name (with extension) of the decode file, which is then opened and processed in the same manner as the results file. After decode file processing is complete, the program issues a brief termination message and then exits.

2. March 17, 1997

This program uses doubly linked lists to display student data. To do this, the program takes two raw test data files and merges them into an opscan database (ODB) file. When the program starts it displays a startup screen, prompts the user to press enter, then displays this help screen, followed by another prompt to press enter to continue. Then the program asks if the user wants to (O)pen, (C)lose, (V)iew, or (Q)uit. This is in reference to ODB data. If the user picks Open, the program asks if they want to open a previously saved ODB file or if they need to make the ODB file. If the user chooses to close, the program closes the current ODB file. The program is able to build a new ODB file or open a previously saved ODB file and build the list of student data from either. When the user decides to View the contents of the list of student data, they need to decide if they want to look at the Results, Answers or Keys. They can also decide to quit the program. When they choose View, and then Results, the program displays the Student grade and other test information.

If the user chooses Answer, they will be able to View each students' answers. When Keys is chosen, the Keys for the test are displayed. Finally when the user chooses Escape, the ODB menu is redisplayed. When the user chooses to display the Results or Answers they can scroll through the class twenty and fifteen students, respectively, at a time. The program implements functions for scrolling through the list. These are Top, Up, Down, and Bottom. These functions display a screen of students, either twenty or fifteen depending on what is being viewed, relative to where the function was called. For example, when Up is called, it displays the twenty/fifteen previous students in the list. Bottom goes to the bottom of the list. Top to the top, etc. These functions take care of the possibility of having less than twenty/fifteen students on the last screen as well. There are always the same number of students displayed on each screen. There is also a Stop function that takes the user out of the View mode.

3. April 21, 1997

The third and last integration point combines the features of the first two points, as well as adding a number of features for editing and doing calculations on the test data. The program at this point uses the same methods for Viewing the student test data as it did at the last integration point, meaning the functions Top, Up, Down, Bottom, and Stop. By this point the program has editing capabilities that enable it to change any of the student data (SSN, name, form letters, etc..) as well as the answer keys and the test memo. The program can change the students data through the View menu and then through the Edit menu. It will also let the user edit any of the student test answers. Student grades can be recalculated by either changing a key answer and regrading or by changing an individual students' test answers. The group test average can be computed as well as the standard deviation for the class. A Save and SaveAs feature have also been added. When the user chooses the Save command, the program writes the contents of the linked lists to the currently open ODB file. The SaveAs command allows the user to save the changes they have made to a new or different ODB file. The program prompts the user for the name of the ODB to which they want to save their work.