// Source: display.h // Author: Michele Estebon // Date: 11/26/96 // For: CS1704: Introduction to Data Structures and Software Design // Last revision: 11/26/96 /************************************************************************ Header file for display functions using curses windows *************************************************************************/ #ifndef DISPLAY_H #define DISPLAY_H /*-- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "bool.h" #include "curses.h" #include "globals.h" #include "listglob.h" /*-- TYPE DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------------*/ typedef char string80[LINELN+1]; /*-- CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------*/ const int WIDTH = 80; // screen width display.h const int LENGTH = 23; // screen height display.h const int MAXLINES = 16; // max lines to display at a time to screen /************************************************************************/ Boolean InitWindows (winptr &mainwin, winptr &menubar, winptr &displaywin, winptr &IOwin, winptr &statwin); void IOin(winptr &IOwin, string80& input ) ; void Wait(winptr &IOwin); void IOerr(winptr &IOwin, char* errmsg ); void IOout(winptr &IOwin,char* message ); void StatusUpdate( winptr &statwin, char* leftstr, char* midstr, nodeptr curptr ); void Reversetxt( winptr &win ); void Normaltxt( winptr &win ); void Displayfile (winptr& displaywin, winptr &IOwin, char* filename, Boolean desc); void ResetColors (winptr &win, int color); void ResetWin (winptr &window); #endif