sort Serial save movies1 sort Title sort Serial add Planet of the Apes JM Smith & FJ Schaffner 1967 C Heston & R McDowell G 4.0 51 5 SCI141414 This movie overall was defintely in the classic class. del ACT203047 add The Terminator James Cameron 0 A Schwarzanagger, L Hamilton PG13 3.5 5 2 SCI123456 This movie overall was Robotistically unreal. sort Title del DRA102022 sort Title sort Serial add Fright Night Tom Holland 1985 R McDowell & C Sarandon PG13 3.0 58 5 HOR002202 This movie overall was modern fright. sort Serial del SCI124445 load movies1 sort Title add The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek II H Bennett & JB Sowards 1982 Nimoy, Shatner, Kelly PG 5.0 6 4 SCI765432 The best ST movie ever, bar none! del HOR002202 del ACT432112 add Enemy Mine Wolfgang Petersen 1985 L Gossett & D Quaid PG 3.0 67 4 DRA293944 This movie overall was very enjoyable. add Raiders of the Lost Ark Steven Speilberg 1981 H Ford & K Allen G 5.0 5 2 ACT203047 This movie overall was action at its best. add The Fly David Cronenberg 1986 J Goldblum PG13 2.0 3 0 SCI585746 This movie overall was good graphic fright. sort Serial del SCI122223 del SCI585746 add Planet of the Apes JM Smith & FJ Schaffner 1967 C Heston & R McDowell G 4.0 51 5 SCI141414 This movie overall was defintely in the classic class. dump