CS 1114 Credit By Examination Fall  2022    

The CS 1114 Credit By Exam process is currently under re-development for Fall 2022.

Students wishing to utilize Credit By Exam for CS 1114 should contact the course instructor:   Professor Edwards   edwards@cs.vt.edu

CS 1114 Credit By Examination Spring  2022    

Virginia Tech policy Credit by Exam: Credit, not to exceed 12 semester hours, may be allowed by special examination where exceptional command of a subject can be demonstrated in lieu of formal course work. This privilege is not available to a student who has previously audited or enrolled in the course, or has previously attempted credit-by examination in the course.

Students may obtain credit for CS 1114 by completing a programming project AND taking an examination, obtaining a score of at least 70% on both

Examination Information

The examination will be given on Tuesday, January 18 at 3:00pm in McBryde Hall room 632. Students must send email to barnette@vt.edu no later than  January  11 indicating their decision to attempt to test out of CS 1114. (Email requests must be made from a student's Va Tech email address prior to program submissions.)

Students MUST complete a CBE, credit-by-examination form. The department approval signature can be obtained by taking the completed form to the CS Dept office in Torgerson Hall room 1160 (or by sending it to barnette@vt.edu).  The programming project and CBE payment MUST be completed prior to attempting the examination, and you must bring the corresponding credit-by-exam payment receipt from the VT Bursar's office to the exam.

Programming Project Information

Specification Due Last Modified

GPA statistics

Friday, January 14 by Noon

May 9, 2020

Students may elect to use any Java development environment they wish. It is recommended that they employ the customized VT BlueJ distribution environment. Access the installation and download instructions page. VT-BlueJ is available for free download from the CS 1114 Web site. Students should download the latest ver. 3.0.5. Student's needing an introduction to BlueJ may access the on-line BlueJ Tutorial.

Solutions must be submitted on-line to the Web-CAT (Web Computer Automated Testing) system. The BlueJ environment contains an integrated Web-CAT submission facility. The Web-CAT system is a TDD (Test Driven Development) based system. The BlueJ IDE supports TDD through JUnit integration. Students not familiar with Test-First based program development will need to read and work through the Unit Testing in BlueJ tutorial. The course notes on TDD and Web-CAT are also available. The JUnit API class documentation is available on-line. Web-CAT requires students to submit unit test classes with their classes to ensure the correct functionality of their solution. Student solutions must include thorough testing code and pass the Web-CAT reference test cases for the problem. Help on the project is not provided. Students must be able to complete the project individually without help in order to demonstrate their Java programming proficiency.

Optionally, students choosing not to use BlueJ will need to download the CS student Package: student.jar (v4.08 10/20/2011) and install it on their development Java path to use any of the CS student package classes for the project, (although none are required to complete this project). Documentation for the CS student package API is available on-line. (See the student.jar API and Java Input-Output tutorial.) Non-BlueJ submissions must be made directly to the Web-CAT server through its web interface. Note that all the files for the project must be compressed into a Java jar archive for submission.

Code from the standard Oracle Java API and the student.jar may be used in the solution. All other code used in the solution must be produced by the student. (Use of code not in the Java API, the student.jar or not produced by the student is a Va Tech Honor violation.)

Send comments and inquiries to:    barnette@vt.edu
Last updated Oct., 24, 2021