CS 1054: Project 2: Arithmetic Calculations (Summer 2005)

For the second programming project, you will be given most of the Java source code for a working program. The given source code includes all the necessary variable declarations and the mandatory input and output statements. Your task is to complete the given program by adding the Java statements needed to perform the specified calculations. You may modify the given program source code as much as you like. At minimum you must add the calculations. Just be careful if you make other changes since your output must match the formatting of the sample output exactly.

Sample input data

Here is a sample input file, named CircleData.txt, for the program. The file specifies the center coordinates of the circle and its radius. The first line specifies the center coordinates and the second line specifies the radius.
40 40 //Circle's center
40 // Circle's radius

Calculations and sample output data

Here is a sample output file, named Analysis.txt, for the program. It begins by identifying the programmer (you) and the specific project. The remainder of the output file reports the results computed by the program. There will be some a few lines of output, each specifying a labeled value computed by the program: The labels must be precisely as shown in the sample output. The output should be aligned for easy readability.
Programmer: Mir Farooq Ali
CS 1054 Summer I 2005 Project 2

Bounding Box Coordinates
Top Right:     (80,80)
Top Left:      (0,80)
Bottom Left:   (0,0)
Bottom Right:  (80,0)

Areas and Perimeters
Circle Area:            5024.00 
Circle Perimeter:       251.20 
Bounding box Area:      6400.00 
Bounding box Perimeter: 320.00 
Additional samples of input and correct output are available on the course website.

Modifications to provided program

There are two things that need to be changed in the provided program. First, you need to replace the instructor's name (highlighted in red) and pid with your own. Second, you should insert statements to perform the necessary calculations indicated above. Your statements should go below the comments that are highlighted in blue in the source code below.


Your program will be submitted to the Curator system. You will have five submissions. You will not be given more submissions for any reason! Your submitted program will be graded by the GTA. There will not be any automatic grading for any project in this course. You will receive your grade via email from the class account cs1054@cs.vt.edu in the form of a grade-sheet. The grade for the project for future assignments include some points for style and design. This program will only be graded for correctness.

Submitting your Program

You will submit this assignment to the Curator System (read the Student Guide). Instructions for submitting are contained in the Student Guide. You will be allowed up to five submissions for this assignment. Use them wisely. Test your program thoroughly before submitting it. It is advisable to show your program to the instructor or the TA to make sure it works correctly before submitting it. Make sure that your program produces correct results for every sample input file posted on the course website. The Student Guide can be found at: http://www.cs.vt.edu/curator/

Use of Comments and Program Format

The comments used in this assignment are typical of what will be expected for all your projects. Program Compilation Your program must compile and run under JDK 1.5. Pledge Every program submission for this class must include an Honor Code pledge. Specifically, you must always include the following pledge statement in the header comment for your program:

 * On my honor:
 * - I have not discussed the Java language code in my program with
 * anyone other than my instructor or the teaching assistants
 * assigned to this course.
 * - I have not used Java language code obtained from another student,
 * or any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified.
 * - If any Java language code or documentation used in my program
 * was obtained from another source, such as a text book or course
 * notes, that has been clearly noted with a proper citation in
 * the comments of my program.
 * - I have not designed this program in such a way as to defeat or
 * interfere with the normal operation of the Curator System.
 * Your Name
 * Your PID

Failure to include this pledge in a submission is a violation of the Honor Code.

Program code begins here

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Scanner;

 *  Project 2 for CS 1054 Summer 1 2005
 *  Circle calculations program
 *  File:          Program2.java
 *  Programmer:    Mir Farooq Ali
 *  Java Platform: JDK 1.5.0
 *  Compiler:      Eclipse 3.1.0
 *  Last modified: June 1, 2005
 *  Purpose: This program computes the coordinates of a bounding box of a circle
 *  given its center and radius. It also calculates the area and perimeter
 *  of the circle and the bounding box. The program then writes a summary of its
 *  findings to an output file called analysis.txt
 * On my honor:
 * - I have not discussed the Java language code in my program with
 * anyone other than my instructor or the teaching assistants
 * assigned to this course.
 * - I have not used Java language code obtained from another student,
 * or any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified.
 * - If any Java language code or documentation used in my program
 * was obtained from another source, such as a text book or course
 * notes, that has been clearly noted with a proper citation in
 * the comments of my program.
 * - I have not designed this program in such a way as to defeat or
 * interfere with the normal operation of the Curator System.
 * Mir Farooq Ali
 * miali

public class Program2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

            final double PI = 3.14;
            Scanner dataFile = new Scanner(new File("CircleData.txt"));
            PrintWriter logFile = new PrintWriter("Analysis.txt");

            int xCenter,         // X-coordinate of the circle's center
                yCenter,         // Y-coordinate of the circle's center
                radius;          // Radius of the circle

            int xTopRight,   // X-coordinate of the top right corner of bounding box
                yTopRight,   // Y-coordinate of the top right corner of bounding box
                xTopLeft,    // X-coordinate of the top left corner of bounding box
                yTopLeft,    // Y-coordinate of the top left corner of bounding box
                xBottomLeft, // X-coordinate of the bottom left corner of bounding box
                yBottomLeft, // Y-coordinate of the bottom left corner of bounding box
                xBottomRight,// X-coordinate of the bottom right corner of bounding box
                yBottomRight;// Y-coordinate of the bottom right corner of bounding box

            double circleArea,       // Area of the circle
                   circlePerimeter,  // Perimeter of the circle
                   bbArea,           // Bounding Box area
                   bbPerimeter;      // Bounding Box perimeter

            // Write an identification header to the output file:
            logFile.print("Programmer: "); 
            logFile.println("Mir Farooq Ali"); // Change this to YOUR name.
            logFile.println("CS 1054 Summer I 2005 Project 2");

            // Read the coordinates of the circle's center:

            xCenter = dataFile.nextInt();
            yCenter = dataFile.nextInt();
            String temp = dataFile.next();
            radius = dataFile.nextInt();

            // Check for an invalid circle
            if (radius < 0) {
             	logFile.println("The given radius for the circle is invalid.");

            // You must add the following calculations:
            // Calculate the coordinates of the bounding box

            // Calculate the circle's area

            // Calculate the circle's perimeter

            // Calculate the bounding box's area

            // Calculate the bounding box's perimeter

            // Write out the analysis:
            logFile.println("Bounding Box Coordinates");
            logFile.println("Top Right:     (" + 
            		xTopRight + ',' + yTopRight + ')');
            logFile.println("Top Left:      (" +
			xTopLeft + ',' + yTopLeft + ')'); // xTopLeft changed to yTopLeft
            logFile.println("Bottom Left:   (" +
            		xBottomLeft + ',' +	yBottomLeft + ')');
            logFile.println("Bottom Right:  (" +
            		xBottomRight + ',' + yBottomRight + ')');
            logFile.println("Areas and Perimeters");
            logFile.printf("Circle Area:            %6.2f \n", circleArea);
            logFile.printf("Circle Perimeter:       %6.2f \n",  circlePerimeter);
            logFile.printf("Bounding box Area:      %6.2f \n",  bbArea);
            logFile.printf("Bounding box Perimeter: %6.2f \n",  bbPerimeter);

© Mir Farooq Ali 2005.