CS2104: Introduction to Problem Solving
Spring Semester 2017. Section: Onufriev
Room and Time
Dr. Onufriev's section: Tue, Thu 2.00 - 3.15 pm, MCB room 113.
Dr. Alexey V. Onufriev
Office: 2160C Torgersen Hall
Office Hours: Tue 3.30 - 4.30 pm.
Teaching Assistant: Yanshen Yang
Office: MCB 106
Office Hours: Monday 2 pm to 4 pm, Friday 1 pm to 3 pm.
Teaching Assistant: Bret Tomko
Office: MCB 106
Office Hours: Thursday 10 am to 1 pm
Homework Assignments: see Assignments for due dates.
- PROJECT DUE DATES: see due dates and other critical info in "Assignments".
Final Project Assignment
Multiple due dates. See "Assignments" for important info and files.
Final exam practice problems
Due April 29. No submission, just work them out on your own!
- Final exam practice solutions Will be released prior to the exam, after the above "deadline".
Table of Contents
Course Syllabus
(Last updated: $filename = "Syllabus.pdf"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
(Last updated: $filename = "Assignments/index.php"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
Use Canvas for homework submission
Calendar and Coursenotes
(Last updated: $filename = "Calendar.html"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
- What we've done each day and the associated coursenotes
Course grades are maintained on Canvas
General assignment guidelines
Programming assignment guidelines
Interesting links: Games, puzzles, self-evaluations
CS 2104, Spring 2017
Pointers to other information
- Department of Computer Science Homepage
- Departmental Policy on Koofers, Old Programs, Cheating, and Computer Use
- Virginia Tech Homepage
- VT Undergraduate Catalog Honor Code Statement
- VT Honor System Homepage
- Honor Code Pledge
- VT Writing Center
- Cook Counseling Center
- Study Skills
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Documentation for Disability Accomodation: Relevent for students seeking more time on tests